We will become what we magnify!

By: Kevin Jackson


Let’s be honest, we’ve all heard, you are what you eat. However, no one talks about you will become what you magnify. So, let’s take a few minutes to challenge our thinking.

Consider this:

  • Negativity will always breed negativity. Positive thinking is an everyday choice that will change the outcome of your life, your decisions and your success.
  • Hate will always generate more hate. Whether you hate a person, place or thing, this is a conscience decision that carries residual effects. If a state of love for something or someone seems out of the question, take baby steps to better understand, to better communicate or to better accept flexibility and change.
  • Always provide value. If you are not providing value you are not providing anything! Magnify the “what’s in it for me” for your customers, your clients, your friends, your spouse, your families and your communities. Never directly sell anything, but always solve problems, fill voids and change lives and situations for the better.
  • Magnify abundance over lack, but realize true abundance is not often what society leads us to believe it is. Live life with open palms. Give freely, but with discernment. Share your talents, your time, your gifts, your passion and your purpose. Did you know that true abundance is deeply rooted in contentment? News flash!! The world and what it offers is not all about you. When you give with the right heart, many things will be given back to you, magnified!

These small pointers, along with your commitment to continuous improvement every day will take you further to living within your purpose, possibility and promise.

As we welcome in 2017, I wish you nothing but peace, perseverance and prosperity. Always remember that we decide what we magnify and what we magnify is what we will become! Choose wisely my friends.