May 2024 Code Committee Update
March 2024 Code Committee Update
March 2024 Code Committee Testimonial
February 2023 Code Committee Update
Sept 2022 Code Committee Update
Sept 2022 Code Committee Update
April 2022 ICC Action Committee Hearings Update
March 2022 Code Update by Glenn Mathewson:
February 2022 Code Update by Glenn Mathewson:
October 2021 Code Update:
May 2021 Update from NADRA Code Committee Member, John Kozal:
NADRA CODE Updates 2020 - 2021
NADRA CODE Updates 2018 - 19
NADRA's Code Initiative
November 2015
August 2014
NADRA CANADIAN Code Subcommittee
2013 June - October
2013 March - May
Codes & Standards
State Licensing
Data Sheet
NADRA Deck Construction Book - based on the 2021 IRC
Code Committee Chair: John Kozal
Learn the latest about Code:
There were 25 proposals that were reviewed by the NADRA subcommittees (decking, railing, and liaison) which NADRA either Supported, Opposed, Watched, or stayed Neutral with the following results: 9 Wins, 1 Loss, 10 Neutrals, and 5 Watches. There is another round of ICC hearings in October 2024 which will require us to keep track of these same proposals because ICC allows for changes to be made to make proposals better.
NADRA Members, see all the detail HERE
Not a current member, consider joining HERE
NADRA Code Update
Recap of the NADRA Code meeting March 5, 2024 at Simpson Strong-Tie’s Manufacturing and Training Center northeast of Dallas.
- NADRA’s Main Committee for Code made up of Mark Guthrie, Loren Ross, and John Kozal, laid out the 2 day agenda in March with all 4 Subcommittee chairs coming together in person to head up their respective segments as follows:
- Gary Kauffman – Railing
- Billy Viars – Decking
- Koby Vicksman – Liaison with Trade Organizations
- Brian Breukelman – Canadian Code
- It’s always best to meet in person and so NADRA would like to give a special thanks to the people who travelled to Dallas to meet with their chairs. Erik Farrington, Mike Sawka, Jack Butler, Aaron Allgyer, Michael Beaudry, and Margie Beaudry.
- In today’s world, the use of connecting with other people through Microsoft Teams is always welcomed. With that being said Gary Ehrlich, Jeff Miller, Ed Lisinski, Tom Zuzik, Stuart Dimery, Leigh Graham, Martin Crepeau, and Chad Chislett came online to also be a part of this important meeting.
- Each Subcommittee Chair was given about two hours to discuss what is happening in their segment plus review the outside proposals submitted for 2027 ICC Code Cycle known as Group A. Loren Ross took the time to sort through all of the proposals in order to help all of the Subcommittees know what to focus on. This is not an easy task and NADRA appreciates the Loren’s effort to find 24 proposals that could affect the decking and railing industry in a positive or negative way. During the review of the Group A proposals, all of the volunteers read and directed which proposals should be assigned to a specific Subcommittee in order to spread out the work load. (NOTE: NADRA did not submit any Group A proposals.)
- It was agreed upon that each Subcommittee was going to review and respond back to the Main Committee whether a Group A proposal should be supported, opposed, or stay neutral from NADRA. Those tallies are due the week of March 18th back to the Main Committee so they can make the final decision. Loren Ross, Mark Guthrie, and John Kozal make up that committee.
- Loren Ross, PE has been accepted by NADRA to be NADRA’s spokesperson at ICC’s Committee Action Hearing #1 in Orlando, Florida from April 7-16th. He will step to the microphone and let the ICC Panel know if NADRA supports, opposes, or is neutral on the Group A proposals.
- Brian Breukelman, PE from Canada wrote out a very detailed “Flow Chart” showing how the Canadian Codes and the various groups work and how they handle updating their codes. This is important for NADRA to keep track of also because there are a number of NADRA members who live and work in Canada. There is definitely a need to assist Canada with their Code process with a Subcommittee made up of Canadian advocates.
- This group of volunteers is not all work and no play! Michael Beaudry (EVP of NADRA) bought everyone a very nice dinner Tuesday night while Billy Viars of Simpson Strong-Tie gave a tour of the manufacturing and testing facility. Very impressive!
NADRA is truly appreciative and blessed to have such a successful group of volunteers band together to make this meeting a highly successful event.
John Kozal, PE
NADRA Code Committee Chair
NADRA Code Update
A message from Mike Sawka:
I had always known of NADRA and what it had done in the past and how they looked out for the industry. I recently got to meet all the members of the different sub committees and I have to say that I was blown away by the knowledge and passion in that room. These people really care about safety and the industry. Coming into this, I was pessimistically under the impression that it would be a bunch of people in the room all looking out for the best interests of their respective companies and that went right out the window. I walked out of there inspired to see these codes change for the better and knowing there are people who care so much about them fuels that even more. I got to sit in on the first week of the NADRA Decks Done Right Education® class and that too showed how much NADRA cares. This wasn’t a “how to make a deck by IRC standards” class that I was expecting. This was “How to make a deck the correct way, that is safe and will last.” Not one that is made with the most expensive parts on the market, but where you need to splurge, and where IRC minimum is just fine. Hoe to make a safe deck without massive overkill. It really spoke to me that NADRA cares this much about making sure the new construction going up is not just the status quo of the bare minimum to satisfy the building inspector but how to make a deck that you can be proud of. How we as an industry can improve where were not being forced, but because we want to self-govern for the integrity of our industry and that is a rare thing.
Mike Sawka | Fortress Technical Product Specialist
NADRA Code Update
Fill out an application today. Deadline is 04/10/23
NADRA Code Update, March 5, 2024, Chairman, John Kozal
Recap of the NADRA Code meeting last week at Simpson Strong-Tie’s Manufacturing and Training Center northeast of Dallas.
- NADRA’s Main Committee for Code made up of Mark Guthrie, Loren Ross, and John Kozal, laid out the 2 day agenda in March with all 4 Subcommittee chairs coming together in person to head up their respective segments as follows:
- Gary Kauffman – Railing
- Billy Viars – Decking
- Koby Vicksman – Liaison with Trade Organizations
- Brian Breukelman – Canadian Code
- It’s always best to meet in person and so NADRA would like to give a special thanks to the people who travelled to Dallas to meet with their chairs. Erik Farrington, Mike Sawka, Jack Butler, Aaron Allgyer, Michael Beaudry, and Margie Beaudry.
- In today’s world, the use of connecting with other people through Microsoft Teams is always welcomed. With that being said Gary Ehrlich, Jeff Miller, Ed Lisinski, Tom Zuzik, Stuart Dimery, Leigh Graham, Martin Crepeau, and Chad Chislett came online to also be a part of this important meeting.
- Each Subcommittee Chair was given about two hours to discuss what is happening in their segment plus review the outside proposals submitted for 2027 ICC Code Cycle known as Group A. Loren Ross took the time to sort through all of the proposals in order to help all of the Subcommittees know what to focus on. This is not an easy task and NADRA appreciates the Loren’s effort to find 24 proposals that could affect the decking and railing industry in a positive or negative way. During the review of the Group A proposals, all of the volunteers read and directed which proposals should be assigned to a specific Subcommittee in order to spread out the work load. (NOTE: NADRA did not submit any Group A proposals.)
- It was agreed upon that each Subcommittee was going to review and respond back to the Main Committee whether a Group A proposal should be supported, opposed, or stay neutral from NADRA. Those tallies are due the week of March 18th back to the Main Committee so they can make the final decision. Loren Ross, Mark Guthrie, and John Kozal make up that committee.
- Loren Ross, PE has been accepted by NADRA to be NADRA’s spokesperson at ICC’s Committee Action Hearing #1 in Orlando, Florida from April 7-16th. He will step to the microphone and let the ICC Panel know if NADRA supports, opposes, or is neutral on the Group A proposals.
- Brian Breukelman, PE from Canada wrote out a very detailed “Flow Chart” showing how the Canadian Codes and the various groups work and how they handle updating their codes. This is important for NADRA to keep track of also because there are a number of NADRA members who live and work in Canada. There is definitely a need to assist Canada with their Code process with a Subcommittee made up of Canadian advocates.
- This group of volunteers is not all work and no play! Michael Beaudry (EVP of NADRA) bought everyone a very nice dinner Tuesday night while Billy Viars of Simpson Strong-Tie gave a tour of the manufacturing and testing facility. Very impressive!
NADRA is truly appreciative and blessed to have such a successful group of volunteers band together to make this meeting a highly successful event.
John Kozal, PE
NADRA Code Committee Chair
NADRA Code Update, Sept 21, 2022, Chairman, Mark Guthrie
The NADRA Code Committee, represented by consultant Glenn Mathewson and co-chair John Kozal, returned to the ICC Code Hearings this past week in Louisville KY. This is the final leg of the code development cycle, where proposals that were either approved or disapproved by the smaller Code Development Committee in April can be brought back for reconsideration. Public comments that are submitted by proponents or opponents prior to this meeting online, form the basis of these discussions.
As you’ll recall, NADRA was successful in having 15 of our 17 proposed code changes approved at the last hearings. There were also proposals by others that we felt needed our attention – either speaking for or against. At last week’s hearings we were focused primarily on 8 code changes that we felt would be impactful to our members. Here is an outline of these items and supporting details: See graphic below
Some were contested by well-respected allies who had strong differing opinions while others just needed a persuasive nudge over the goal line. Either way, our voice was heard regardless of the voting that took place in the room. What is important to note is that their remains is an Online Government (OG) Vote over the next few weeks. Only then will we know where the final chips land.
A special thanks to our code committee that is growing in both number and involvement at NADRA. We have no doubt that our involvement in every level of code, whether it be development, education or enforcement, is an opportunity for a better and safer end product for our customers.
We will post the final votes on the website when they are updated.
If you wish to comment or contribute to our mission, feel free to contact us at 215.679.4884 or
Mark Guthrie, Co-Chair
NADRA Code Committee
Click on the image to read the code update from Chairman Mark Guthrie

NADRA Code Update, April 7, 2022, Chairman, Mark Guthrie
The NADRA Code Committee, represented by our consultant Glenn Mathewson and co-chair Mark Guthrie, were able to garner ICC Code Committee support on 15 of our 17 proposed code changes at the 2022 Committee Action Hearings held in Rochester, NY last week.
Some of these code proposals were editorial, intended to give clearer more transparent direction to the builder and inspector. However, many were more substantial and impactful on the lives of our members, aimed at easing construction, expanding material options, and creating a safer built environment. Here is a brief outline of the proposals we presented this code cycle: READ MORE
March 2022 Code Update by Glenn Mathewson:
Published April 5th, 2022
By Glenn Mathewson
This month was spent preparing for the Committee Action Hearings and attending them at the end of the month. I had various meetings and communications with other industry professionals to discuss concerns found in each other proposals and to address disagreements. I arrived at the hearings the evening of March 28th and remained in attendance through Saturday afternoon, April 2nd. Most deck related proposals were heard on Wednesday and Thursday, with the proposals in chapter 507 finishing up just before the conclusion for the night.
Of the 17 proposals submitted by NADRA, all but two were approved by the committee. Some were approved as submitted and some were modified during the proceedings before approval. Many of the proposals were simply clerical in nature, either correcting misused terms or restructuring sentences simply to make the code more consistently and correctly interpreted. Though not glamorous or necessarily exciting, NADRA has positioned itself as the industry leader for deck code representation, and that comes with an obligation to not just address new subjects, but to refine existing ones, both simply and significantly.
One such significant refining is something exciting to share. RB184 expanded the heading of the beam span tables to reveal the various combinations of joist span and cantilever length. In the current version, when you look at the table heading for a 10-foot joist span, for example, the beam is being sized to support that span and a 2.5-foot joist cantilever. A footnote in the table explains this and provides a method for correcting the inaccuracy of the span, but it is not user-friendly. With the modifications we proposed, the heading expands to reveal various combinations that work under the same table column. A 10-foot span with 2.5-foot cantilever loads the beam nearly the same as a 12-foot span with 1-foot cantilever and 14-foot span with no cantilever, and now both are shown. This proposal was approved.
February 2022 Code Update by Glenn Mathewson:
Published March 2022
With our IRC proposals submitted in January, most of February was spent awaiting the publishing of the complete package of ICC Group B proposals, expected in the last week of the month. Prior to this, on Feb 14th, I attended an ICC Code Correlation Committee meeting. Two of our proposals, RB21 and RB119 were selected as potential correlation issues that the committee could handle in place of the hearing process. Both proposals were approved by the committee unanimously.
The publishing of the Group B proposals was a day later than scheduled. I promptly reviewed all 317 IRC proposals in 737 pages looking for those relevant to the deck and railing industry. Twenty-one proposals were discovered that will require our attention this year. Proposals regarding stairway landings, guard deflection limits, decks built over egress windows, guard infill loads, lateral bracing, handrail clearances, and ramp provisions range from relatively insignificant to significantly relevant. Regardless, a proposal is just the prompt to a conversation. Throughout this year in floor modifications and public comments these conversations (proposals) can evolve and change.
The proposals for the 2024 IRC can be viewed at this link: READ MORE
October 2021 Code Update:
October 7th, 2021 Update: By Glenn Mathewson
Group A Public Comment Hearings:
The International Code Council Group A Public Comment Hearings concluded last week as the second to last step in the development of the 2024 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) and International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC), amongst others. NADRA developed a handful of proposals for the pool code and presented them to the code development committee in March. All but one of them was recommended for approval by the committee. We submitted a public comment asking the governmental voting members to overturn the committee. Details about all this activity can be read in previous blog articles.
In order to turn over the committee recommendation of disapproval a 2/3 majority of the vote is required at the Public Comment Hearings,. We testified to our proposal and asked the membership to judge it on its merits and whether it improves on the previous edition. The Pool and Hot Tub Alliance believed it needed more modifications than what we proposed and spoke in opposition to our partial modification. We only suggested changes to the type of decks our members primarily build – elevated decks, but we are eager to continue to work with the PHTA membership to further develop this code. Our testimony concluded and the ICC membership approved our proposal with approximately 85%.
The final step is the online governmental vote taking place in October, where the ICC governmental members from across the county will include their opinion. While our proposal could still be disapproved, it would take an overwhelming opposition compared to the support from the members in attendance and is not anticipated. READ MORE
Update from NADRA Code Committee Member, John Kozal:
Glenn Mathewson (NADRA Code Representative) attended the April 2021 ICC Committee Action hearings (Virtual) to help develop the 2021 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code. Here are the highlights:
Four (4) proposals were submitted under Section 306 titled “Decks:
- Slip Resistance Uses ASTM D 7032 as a Base for Serving Pool and Spa Decks: Needed a reasonable slip resistance metric so Glenn referenced ASTM D 7032 as a possible solution however that standard has no metric either per the opposition on the “floor”. So, Glenn asked the committee to disapprove his proposal. Glenn will come up with a different game plan before the Public Comment process this Summer.
- Stairs Serving Pool and Spa Decks Use IRC Details as a Standard: Glenn suggested that the pool code should reference the IRC for design and construction of stairs outside of the pool. Majority agreed to suggestion however that can change during Public Comment.
- Allow Slope and Gaps Serving Pool and Spa Decks but Eliminate Water Test: The current code requires pool decks to be sloped, gapped, and pass a test that no more than an 1/8th inch of standing water remains on the deck after 20 minutes. Glenn wanted to eliminate just the test however the committee disapproved but asked Glenn to come back at the public hearing to reduce the slope of ½” of rise for every 12” of run. Glenn will ask some pool professionals for their input before Public Comment.
- Gaps be Mandated While Allowing Slope as an Exception Serving Pool and Spa Decks: Glenn mandated that pool deck boards be gapped while a slope can be used as an exception. Majority agreed however that can change during Public Comment.
Glenn believes they made a good impression in front of the ICC Committee. Need to tighten up definitions between pools with concrete “decks” and pools with elevated decks. READ MORE
2021 International Residential Code
By Glenn Mathewson
Thanks to the support of NADRA members we have shared our knowledge with others in the campfire discussions regarding deck code proposals for the 2021 International Residential Code. There were 9 proposals submitted with our assistance and approval. The Deck Code Coalition is an informal group of generous professionals from a variety of backgrounds. Led by the steadfast efforts of Mr. Charles Banjai, a now retired code official and long-time contributor to code development, NADRA was able to work with these professionals toward well-developed deck codes. While some disagreement remains and some is yet to be decided, it appears the majority of these proposals have broad support. Here is a brief rundown of what was submitted. READ MORE
NADRA Code Update
Here’s a run down of proposals likely to be submitted Jan. 7th with the combined support of nearly all the contributors of the Deck Code Coalition. I am proud of NADRA for being a part of this support. READ MORE
November 2019 Update:
By Glenn Mathewson, NADRA Technical Advisor …doesn’t stay in Vegas, at least not when it’s about deck code! Here’s a recap of what to expect in your 2021 International Residential Code from the ICC Public Comment Hearing that occurred in Las Vegas last week. This information is as fresh as it gets, because NADRA members … Continue reading
October 2019 Update:
October 2019 Update By: Glenn Mathewson Some believe they should. Stair treads must resist the same uniform load as decking, but with an added requirement to resist a 300 lb. concentrated load at mid span. Consider the impact your feet place on treads as you come running down them. This extra requirement is not without … Continue reading
September 2019 Update:
September 25th, 2019 By Glenn Mathewson Last year at the NADRA annual meeting, I asked the membership to step up and take the reigns of code development for their industry. Uncomfortable as it was, I was asking for financial support to NADRA so that I could do this work. Thankfully, many builders and manufacturers heard … Continue reading
August 2019 Update:
August 29th, 2019 By: Glenn Mathewson The latest 2018 edition of the International Residential Code provides a complete package of prescriptive structural design tables for decks… sort of… When we think of structural design, most people imagine the skeleton of ledgers, joists, beams, and posts. At this completion, one might be ready for a “rough … Continue reading
August 14th, 2019 By: Glenn Mathewson Proposal RB190 – Table R507.5 Through the efforts of and other organizations and professionals, the 2015 IRC revealed the first deck beam-sizing table (Table R507.5) to ever be included in a US model code. It provides maximum spans of simple deck beams based on different loading, species, profiles, … Continue reading
NTA joins the International Code Council’s family of solutions. The acquisition will add laboratory and testing capabilities to the Code Council service offerings and will foster innovation by streamlining the time-to-market for product manufacturers Nappanee, IN – The International Code Council announced today that it has acquired NTA, a leading provider of testing services, product certification, inspection, engineering, off-site construction plan review, and code evaluation. … Continue reading
July 2019 Update:
July 3rd, 2019 By: Glenn Mathewson To finish a marathon, you’ve got to push through the last mile. Such is the same with developing a new edition of the International Residential Code. Thousands of people are currently running a marathon toward the 2021 IRC, and though they are halfway through, there’s no telling who (or … Continue reading
May 2019 Update:
May 8th, 2019 Notes from NADRA’s Code Committee Chair, Mark Guthrie: Building codes are always going to play a critical part in the safety, growth and public perception of our industry. NADRA recognizes this and has been dedicating an increasing amount of time and resources to better understanding and shaping the codes that we all must build …Continue reading
ICC Committee Action Hearings, Group B Codes – Albuquerque, 2019:
Deep into the IRC Committee Action Hearings. So far the deck industry has been well represented by The North American Deck and Railing Association and our friends in the Deck Code Coalition. READ MORE
March 2019 Update:
Professionals are now planning and strategizing their proponent and opponent testimonies for delivery at the Committee Action Hearing in Albuquerque the first week of May. NADRA will be proudly supporting nine proposals that came together through the effort and contribution of many professionals and organizations from a variety of backgrounds, and are thus the kind of ideas that NADRA was proud to cosponsor. For a building code to honestly and respectfully represent a civilization, the whole civilization should be invited to their creation.
NADRA invites all those with interest in deck codes to share and contribute together with us and those we work with. We strongly believe that is path to the most appropriate, minimum standard.
Click Here to review your 2021 IRC deck-related code proposals and a simple summary.
The proposals for the creation of the 2021 IRC have been released for review and can be viewed HERE.
If you are in the decking industry, we need your help. The ideas are being discussed and the rules are being made. You shouldn’t stand on the sidelines any longer. We need you in the game. There are two ways you can help in a big way:
1. Offer your monetary support: To contribute to the fundraising initiative, follow this link here to see what our goal and how the funds are being used to keep this effort moving forward.
2. Offer your time: To volunteer time, please email and we will work with you and the code committee to see how we can best utilize your skills – most likely, helping to review the proposals in March.
February 2019 Update
2021 International Residential Code
By Glenn Mathewson
Thanks to the support of NADRA members we have shared our knowledge with others in the campfire discussions regarding deck code proposals for the 2021 International Residential Code. There were 9 proposals submitted with our assistance and approval. The Deck Code Coalition is an informal group of generous professionals from a variety of backgrounds. Led by the steadfast efforts of Mr. Charles Banjai, a now retired code official and long-time contributor to code development, NADRA was able to work with these professionals toward well-developed deck codes. While some disagreement remains and some is yet to be decided, it appears the majority of these proposals have broad support. Here is a brief rundown of what was submitted. READ MORE
NADRA Code Update
Here’s a run down of proposals likely to be submitted Jan. 7th with the combined support of nearly all the contributors of the Deck Code Coalition. I am proud of NADRA for being a part of this support. READ MORE
ICC Code Work, Code representation & change awareness. Your CONTRIBUTION will enable this important work to continue.
Registration will open soon.
NADRA’s Code Initiative
We are asking for your help on behalf of the entire organization so that we can become a stronger voice in shaping the deck codes we all must build to.
If you are in the decking industry, we need your help. The ideas are being discussed and the rules are being made. You shouldn’t stand on the sidelines any longer. We need you in the game. There are two ways you can help in a big way:
1. Offer your monetary support: To contribute to the fundraising initiative, follow this link here to see what our goal and how the funds are being used to keep this effort moving forward.
2. Offer your time: To volunteer time, please email and we will work with you and the code committee to see how we can best utilize your skills – most likely, helping to review the proposals in March.
Safe decks with well-thought-out engineering and a common sense practical approach to code requirements.
Code Mission Statement
To advance and protect industry interests in the code development arena and to promote member involvement; to promote governmental and agency reliance on NADRA as a voice for the industry; to create and maintain relationships with key government agencies and code officials; to be a forum for the discussion, study, and investigation of proposed and existing model code development, federal and state legislation and programs, and to report such findings to the Board of Directors and the Membership.
This section of NADRA’s website is dedicated to building code requirements and best building practices related to outdoor living structures.
Here you will find references to help you interpret code topics, links to jurisdiction websites for licensing and code requirements, and much more.
NADRA is always looking to add to the information provided in this section of the website, so please feel free to suggest a link by using the contact form below.
We are asking for your help on behalf of the entire organization so that we can become a stronger voice in shaping the deck codes we all must build to.
November 2015
Below are 2 documents from the Deck Code Coalition, which contains a detailed list of each item they are recommending for revision with the 2018 IRC with comments and highlights in the “ICC Format”, as well as a “clean” copy of the rewritten code sections with the updates included.
Please note that these documents are still “under construction”, and further revisions and improvements to wording should be included. However, the DCC has offered to share this preliminary information with NADRA members in an effort to build broader agreement and unity in how we are working to improve the code we all work under.
Composite Changes
R507 Rewrite
If you have specific questions, comments or concerns let us know by filling out a form found HERE
Thank You,
Matt Breyer
NADRA’s chair for our Code & Education Committee
August 2014
A Product Program for Composite Decking By Roy Diez
Is the composite decking industry in need of a labeling program that rates the performance of individual deck board products?
Read full article HERE.
NADRA CANADIAN Code Subcommittee
Fill out an application today. Deadline is 08/15/23
October 2013 Update
By Glenn Mathewson
Comments on IRC 2015 Code Public Comment hearings
NADRA attended the Public Comment Hearings on October 4th, 2013 to serve and protect the decking industry in the development of the 2015 IRC. I’m happy to say that we did that job well, and have little to fear in the new provisions now decided. Here’s a review of the topics we spoke on. Read full recap HERE.
September 2013 Update
By Glenn Mathewson
When There’s No Public Comment
If a proposal in the IRC code development process doesn’t receive a public comment, the vote from the first hearing is generally the final result. With the recent publishing of the public comments, we can now see what the 2015 IRC is starting to look like. It’s been a lot of work keeping up with the high-profile deck code proposals on the table this summer, like the monstrous 268 with a depth of un-agreed-upon prescriptive code provisions that would rock the industry or the one that already has…the lateral load anchor. Those most certainly received public comment, but there were other less glamorous proposals regarding our industry that did not. Read On…When There’s No Public Comment…
August 2013 Update
By Glenn Mathewson
How many hold-down anchors does it take to build a deck? The development of the 2015 IRC is halfway through, and there’s likely going to be some new regulations for the construction industry to adjust to. For the decking industry, there’s lobbying working to create new building codes around specific product lines. We’ve already seen the costly results of including “permitted” details in the code depicting specific products. The lateral load anchor detail, that was published this way in the 2009 IRC, is quickly read as “required” by many building departments. Now, as new research is revealing that ledgers fair quite well without lateral anchors, there is a proposal seeking to “permit” the use of anchors on every guard post in the 2015 IRC. Will history be repeated and this also be read as “required”? Read On…How many hold-down anchors does it take to build a deck?
July 2013 Update
By Glenn Mathewson
“NADRA has submitted public comments for the Public Comment Hearing (formally the Final Action Hearing). Links to public comments are posted below. As always, NADRA welcomes feedback from our members.
“NADRA has begun to draft public comments for the Public Comment Hearing (formally the Final Action Hearing). With the development of the 2015 IRC half way through, NADRA remains on top of the process by participating in each phase of code development. The committee has made their vote in the previous hearings, but all can still be turned around, both for our advantage and disadvantage. Links to public comments are posted here as they are developed. As always, NADRA welcomes feedback from our members.”
June 2013 Update
By Glenn Mathewson
“The hearing results are published, and the first half of the code development process is complete. The decisions of the committee on each proposal can still be overturned at the final hearing if a public comment is received, so take a good look. NADRA will begin working on the next step…preparing our public comments and working with others on theirs, where our input can be provided. Keep in mind…if a public comment is not received on a proposal, consider it done and in the code.”
May 2013 Update
By Glenn Mathewson
Recap of 2013 Group B Committee Action Hearing (Dallas, TX) Last week the IRC code hearings were held in Dallas, TX. NADRA’s Technical Advisor, Glenn Mathewson represented the association on numerous proposals. This work is just beginning & your support is NEEDED on key issues that WILL effect your businesses and will effect this industry. Your support is encouraged so these efforts can continue on behalf of the membership and industry the association serves. NADRA Headquarters a nd the entire board would like to personally thank Glenn Mathewson for his time and efforts at these hearings. Recap of 2013 Group B Committee Action Hearing (Dallas) – By NADRA Technical Advisor, Glenn Mathewson: Take Action: Now that the ICC Committee Action Hearings are over, be sure to follow the link about the public comment hearings. The first recap of an approved proposal is a good example of WHY we need your support so we can continue to be heard at these hearings!
April 2013 Update
Code Proposals Presented By Glenn Mathewson
Here is the link to read the all proposed changes from the ICC Building Committee
File download may take a moment – thank you!
March 2013 Update
NADRA Codes and Standards Cabinet
You decide, NADRA. What are your opinions about this?
Update NADRA Codes and Standards Committee
The ICC Building Code Action Committee is considering a very large proposal for deck construction provisions to be included in the 2015 IRC. Anyone is invited to provide feedback, both opponent and proponent, on the proposal. The committee wishes to work on the document with the industry, prior to the hearings next year. Take a look at this proposal and see if you want these provisions to become code? Code, such that any other option is an “alternative” that has to be convinced to the building official over “just doing what the code says”.
State Licensing Links
Contractor Registration and Licensing requirements vary from state to state. Not all states have requirements at the state level. Additional requirements may exist at the local jurisdiction level.
No information available.
Dept. of Business and Professional Regulation
Contractors Board
Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
Department of Commerce
Nebraska Workforce Development – Department of Labor
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of Homeowner Protection
New Home Warranty Program
North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors
Ohio Construction Industry Examining Board
Department of Administration
Contractor’s Registration Board
South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation
Professional and Occupational Licensing
Board for Licensing Contractors
Corporations Section
Office of the Secretary of State
Office of the Vermont Secretary of State
Corporations/UCC Division
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Board for Contractors
Department of Labor & Industries, Contractors Regulation Section
Department of Financial Institutions
State of Wyoming, Electrical Board
Department of Fire Prevention & Electrical Safety
Material Data Sheets
ICC-Building Products Evaluation Reports –
Click to go to: Questions and Answers
Purchase the Deck Construction Book
By Glenn Mathewson
NADRA Members use promo code: NADRA2021IRC to receive 20%
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NADRA is made up of deck builders, inspectors, manufacturers, dealers/distributors, lumberyards, wholesalers, retailers, and service providers to the deck, dock and railing industry. By working together we can be one voice for the industry and deliver a clear message to the consumer and the code development bodies.
Contact NADRA
Have questions for NADRA? Looking for a media request, sponsorship opportunities, or general information?
Visit our Contact page for the info you are looking for, as well as how to get in touch with NADRA.