May 8, 2012 | The NADRA Education Event in Pennsylvania earlier this month was a joy to lead.  Teaching codes and deck construction is always a good time for me, regardless of my audience. However, hanging out with our members this month is even better.

I want to personally thank all the builder members that attended. I thoroughly enjoyed your taking part in the education and making it your own. The questions, comments and ideas, the networking and camaraderie at lunch and after class, and the humor and lightheartedness of the two days with my association were great. I was excited to meet new members, as well as visit with those I have meet before. Without builder members like you, there would be no NADRA. However without manufacturer members, there would be no NADRA Education.

Putting together a live education event is no easy undertaking, so I’ve also got to thank Legacy Services for their dedication to managing NADRA and coordinating the event. The following NADRA member companies deserve your thanks and recognition for their support of the event. Without their sponsorship, the cost of classes would be…well…cost prohibitive. Next time you see these member company’s representatives, thank them for their support. It’s going to take all professionals of the decking industry working together and doing their part to make this association continue to be a success. Thank your fellow builders for attending the education and encourage other’s to attend the next one. Pay attention to those that help support the efforts of NADRA and give them your support when you can.

“Thank You” to the following sponsors of the PA education event:
Wolmanized Outdoor Wood
Techno Metal Post

-Glenn Mathewson