On Saturday, April 29th, NADRA builder member, Sean Smith (Homesmith), participated in a Hike to support HLH (hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis), a form of a very rare disease called hisiocytes. Due to its rarity, there is very little research into its cause and treatment.

Sean reached out to NADRA and its members to ask for our support. Although the hike has passed, you can still help support his courageous and strong willed niece, little Ms. Audrey. Funds will also go to researching this rare disease. To learn more about Audrey’s fight and her unwavering courage please go to www.teamaudrey.org. No contribution is too small. Whether you donate or share the cause, Sean sends his sincere appreciation for your help!

Do you have an upcoming event to support a cause? Let us know!  Email NADRA with Attention to Jenny at: Info@NADRA.org